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Submitting an Appeal to Regain Eligibility to Receive Financial Aid

Submitting an Appeal to Regain Eligibility to Receive Financial Aid

Financial Aid Appeal - If extenuating circumstances during specific terms of enrollment caused you to not meet the eligibility requirements, you may submit a Financial Aid Appeal using the form that applies to your circumstances, and providing all required information. Students are entitled to a maximum of two consecutive appeals when not meeting financial aid eligibility. Second appeals must be based on a reason different from the first appeal to be considered. The Financial Aid Appeal forms are available on Wildcat Web in Online Financial Aid in the “Document” tab.

There are two types of appeals:

  1. GPA and/or Pace of Progression Appeal
  2. Maximum Time Frame Appeal (See “Defining/Calculating Satisfactory Academic Progress” for a detailed definitionCan only be appealed once.  Only classes required to complete the degree program will be eligible.

               1. A typed statement that has been proofread and is free of grammatical errors, signed and dated, from the student (not written by someone else on the student’s behalf), with detailed reasons for not meeting the minimum standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress explaining:

                        a. What changes have occurred?

                        b. What specific measures/behaviors/practices are being taken to improve academic performance and meet the minimum standards by the end of the review period?

               2. Documentation of the extenuating circumstance(s) that occurred during the review period (dropped, failed, incomplete, missing grades). (Financial Aid Eligibility Appeals with no documentation submittedwill be considered incomplete and will NOT be reviewed).

               3. If your Financial Aid Eligibility Appeal is approved, an initial or revised academic plan will be posted as a required document in Online Financial Aid, which you must submit to the Financial Aid office before your eligibility for financial aid will be finalized.

                       a. Seek the assistance of your success coach, your academic advisor, your faculty advisor, or your graduate advisor to specifically indicates what courses (and the necessary grade(s)), and interventions the student is required to perform to be considered making progress toward regaining                                    eligibility for financial aid.

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